The Climbing Tree Daily Rhythm
6:30 a.m. Open, greetings
7:30 a.m. Breakfast
8-8:30 a.m. Free play
8:30 a.m. Project of day (painting, baking, water play/other sensory play, housekeeping, etc.)
9:30 a.m. Clean-up
9:45 a.m. Circle time (children gather to sing seasonal songs with corresponding movements)
10:00 a.m. Morning snack
10:30 a.m. Outdoor play & Activities
12:00 p.m. Family-style lunch
12:45 p.m. Story
1:00 p.m. Nap
3:00 p.m. Hair brushing & cuddles as children awake from nap
3:15 p.m. Afternoon snack
3:30-5:30 p.m.(close) Outdoor play & activities
**The Climbing Tree's outdoor time consists of seasonal activities. For example, we prepare our gardens and play yard in the spring; we tend to our gardens & run through the sprinkler in the summer; rake leaves to jump in the fall; and go sledding in the winter. We take the children on nature hikes all year round.
Enrollment & Other Pertinent Forms:
Child Health Report:
Intake for child under 2 years old:
Child Care Enrollment:
Health History & Emergency Care Plan:
Immunization Record:
Medication Authorization Form:
Child Health Report:
Intake for child under 2 years old:
Child Care Enrollment:
Health History & Emergency Care Plan:
Immunization Record:
Medication Authorization Form:
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, French toast, oatmeal, bagels, pancakes (all with fruit)
Snacks: honeydew melon & graham crackers, hummus & peppers, apples & string
cheese, snap peas & sesame sticks, cottage cheese & pineapple, yogurt &
granola, homemade muffins, salsa & tortilla chips
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, French toast, oatmeal, bagels, pancakes (all with fruit)
Snacks: honeydew melon & graham crackers, hummus & peppers, apples & string
cheese, snap peas & sesame sticks, cottage cheese & pineapple, yogurt &
granola, homemade muffins, salsa & tortilla chips
Top Reasons Kids Need to Go Outside
- Stronger bones and lower cancer risk: Today's "indoor kids" don't get enough sun and are becoming Vitamin D deficient, causing health risks.
- Trimmer and more healthy kids: an hour of play a day is what doctors say is a basic tool in the effort to ward off childhood obesity and diabetes.
- Improved eyesight: recent studies find that kids who get outdoor time have less nearsightedness and need for eye glasses.
- Less depression and hyperactivity: outdoor time in natural settings (even tree-lined streets) soothes kids and lower their need for medications.
- K-12 students participating in environmental education programs at school do better on standardized tests in math, reading, writing, and social studies.
- Children and adults find it easier to concentrate and pay attention after spending time in nature.
- Nature provides a rich source of hands-on, multi-sensory stimulation, which is critical for brain development in early childhood.
- Children's play is more creative and egalitarian in natural areas than in more structured or paved areas.
- Living in "high nature conditions" buffers children against the effects of stressful life evenets.
- Views of nature reduce stress levels and speed recovery from illness, injury, or stressful experiences.
- The ultimate raw material for much of human intellect, emotion, personality, industry, and spirit is rooted in a healthy, accessible, and abundant natural environment.
- Access to nature nurtures self-discipline.
- Nearby nature boosts children's cognitive functioning.
- Children diagnosed with ADHD or ADD showed reduced symptoms after playing in natural areas.
Child Safety Resources
Summer Weather Safety:
Car Seat Safety:
Parent's Guide to First Aid:
Red Cross Home Pool Safety:
Summer Weather Safety:
Car Seat Safety:
Parent's Guide to First Aid:
Red Cross Home Pool Safety:
Parent Testimonial #1:
"Enrolling my kids in The Climbing Tree has been one of the best parenting decision we have made. The care provided is what today's children are craving - a simple, loving, natural environment to electronics, no minute to minute curriculum - just a beautiful home-like setting with the same care giver day after day. We have learned a lot about ourselves and how to be better parents by observing the caregivers and other Climbing Tree parents. There are few centers in the country that offer this type of care - a center based on Montessori and Waldorf principles in a home-like, loving, natural environment. It's amazing that we have a center like this right here in East Troy - I would drive miles to bring my kids to The Climbing Tree Child Care Center."
-Tracy, Mother of three
Parent Testimonial #2:
"Making the choice to go back to work after having a baby is a tremendously difficult decision. The staff at The Climbing Tree made this transition as smooth as possible by offering comforting words to both my son and myself. The nurturing and family-style suites proved to be comforting to my son and allowed him to learn to be caring and gentle to his peers. I learned the benefits of the natural play environment as I have seen my son grow to appreciate nature and become a well-adjusted kindergartner. The staff at The Climbing Tree has been my source for answers to parenting questions and issues. I would recommend The Climbing Tree to anyone looking for a home away from home for their children."
-Tracy, mother of a Climbing Tree graduate